The Martha Olson-Fernandez Foundation is a tax-exempt, 501 (c)(3) organization. Tax ID: 45-4983912

Fun Fact

The first $100,000 raised by the Martha Olson-Fernandez Foundation was donated to the Forbes Norris MDA/ALS Center in San Fransisco on September 2, 2014. Martha participated in a clinical trial for the ALS treatment, NP001, at the Forbes Norris Center in 2012.

The chart below depicts historical donations towards ALS research projects and patient care programs.

Research (ALS Therapy Development Institute) Patient Care (ALS Association Golden West Chapter)
2015 $20,000
2016 $20,000 C9orF72 research $28,000
2017 $25,000 AT-1501 development $25,000
2018 $25,000 Biomarker database collection (CSF and tissue sample library) $25,000
2019 $25,000 ALS animal model development $25,000
2020 $10,000 Profilin 1 mouse models $25,000

The funds to the ALS Association Golden West Chapter go directly towards patient care on the Central Coast of CA. The funds assist ALS families with the financial burden of AAC, medication, transportation, speech therapy etc.